The Strapateer Hall Of Fame

Our Strapateer recreation is a tribute to the great photographers and photojournalists who taught the world to see - and to those who paid with their lives to bring images home from the frontline of history.


Henri Huet - Associated Press Vietnam 


photojournalist Kent Potter in Vietnam
Photojournalist Keizaburo Shimamoto
Photojournalist Larry Burrows
In 1971, the four photojournalists featured above; Larry Burrows, Kent Potter, Keisaburo Shimamoto and Henri Huet, climbed aboard a US Army helicopter and flew towards the Ho Chi MIn trail.
They would never return. Their helicopter was brought down by enemy fire. They had taken the greatest risks to bring back some of the most compelling images of the Vietnam war.
When their friend and fellow photographer, Horst Faas, searched years later for their remains, all that was found was Larry's Leica camera.

'To us younger men who had not yet earned reputations, he was a sainted figure. He was a truly beautiful man, modest, graceful, a star who never behaved like one. He was generous to all, a man who gave lessons to his colleagues not just on how to take photographs but, more important, on how to behave like a human being, how to be both colleague and mentor. Our experience of the star system in photography was, until we met him, not necessarily a happy one; all too often talent and ego seemed to come together in equal amounts. We were touched by Larry: How could someone so talented be so graceful?'

— David Halberstam, Requiem: By the Photographers Who Died in Vietnam and Indochina

Eddie Adams - associated press photographer and Pulitzer prize winner
Pulitzer prize winning photographer Kyoichi Sawada
Akihiko Okamuro

 Elliot Erwitt



Bob Schwalberg, photojournalist, writer and inventor (in 1957) of 'The Strapateer' portrait photograph by Phillip Leonian circa 1982


Havana 1959, Magnum photographer Burt Glinn


Photojournalist Lee Lockwood with Castro Havana 1964



Life magazine photographer, Paul Schutzer


Photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark with Marlon Brando on the set of 'Apocalypse Now'


Photojournalist, Steve Schapiro


LIFE photographer John Shearer


LIFE photographer John Shearer


Rock and Roll photojournalist Jim Marshall


The legendary Nikon F at rest at during the Vietnam war.